Friday 23 June 2017

Back in the saddle

Well it's been a funny couple of months.
Firstly all kinds of personal and family issues meant I was travelling the country and not really spending much time at home nor in the workshop bungalow.

Then along came a General Election.
I've always taken an interest in politics, and always been a firm believer in engaging with people - whatever their political persuasion - to get people discussing policies and what parties actually do, rather than the usual X-Factor style personality vote that many elections have become.

So when the UK elections threw up a hung Parliament, the conversation didn't just stop. In fact, at the time of writing, things haven't exactly been sorted out yet. The Tories have yet to confirm a deal with the DUP to keep hold of power and there could be another General Election any time soon (although its unlikely to be before the upcoming summer recess).

On top of this, work still needs to get done to pay the bills.
So there's not been much time for messing about in the bungalow, making stuff with the 3d printer or cutting stuff out with the laser cutter.

But that's all about to change.
Enough with politics. Enough with being angry.
It's time to get making stuff again!

1 comment:

  1. This article truthfully reflects the author's life twists and turns in the past few months. From personal and family issues to the complex situation of the UK election, the author has experienced many challenges. However, despite the unclear political situation, the author decided to redirect their attention back to their own creations and work. This attitude of regaining enthusiasm and motivation from chaos is admirable. Now, the author is ready to return to creative activities such as 3D printing and laser cutting, looking forward to seeing what exciting works they will have next.
