Take serial communications, for example.
Serial.begin(9600) opens the hardware serial port at 9600 baud.
With PIC and Oshonsoft we have HSeropen 9600.
Different syntax, but the same result.
In PIC-land, it's the same as setting the appropriate BAUDCON and SPBRG registers, to get the right baud rate for the current crystal/clock speed. The Arduino IDE is probably doing something similar.
Getting data is pretty easy on both platforms, but where Arduino really shines, is it's string-handing ability. And in particular, the relative ease with which you can build up a string, from incoming serial data.
String s="";
While Serial.bytesAvailable(){
char b=Serial.readChar();
With PIC and Oshonsoft, we've always just dumped the data into a large buffer, and processed the incoming data. The downside to this approach is that you effectively need to stop all serial communications which you work on the received data. And this isn't something you want to do each time. There's no equivalent of Serial.bytesAvailable. And that's a shame, because, for prototyping stuff quickly, that's a really useful function.
And after messing about with those wifi modules the other night, what we really need is a quick and easy string handling routine (that can handle data coming in at no less than 115,200 bps). So we came up with an idea which, after looking at the source code for the hardware serial library in Arduino, is very similar to the Arduino implementation.
Basically, we're going to keep a "circular buffer".
This means we've got an array of 80 bytes as our buffer. We keep track of which element of the buffer we're going to write any incoming data to (called the "head" of the buffer) and which element we're going to read data from (called the "tail").
The idea is we can use an RX-data-in interrupt to write incoming data, one byte at a time, into the circular buffer, without affecting where we're reading the data back from. Whenever the RX interrupt fires, we advance the head pointer one element along the array, and store the incoming byte into that location
It's called a circular buffer because when either of the pointers need to advance beyond element 79 (the last element in an 80 byte buffer) they reset back to zero and continue filling the array.
When we want to see what data we've received over serial, we read the data out of the buffer, starting from the tail. While we're reading this data back, it's quite possible for more data to be coming in over serial, which in turn gets written to the buffer, advancing the head pointer.
Because of this, it's quite possible that the head pointer can be ahead of the tail (as is the case for the first few bytes received). But after time, it's also possible that the tail has "moved along" a few bytes, and the head pointer has "wrapped around" back to zero, and is "behind" the tail pointer in the array. This is normal.
The only time we have a problem is if the head pointer tries to "cross over" the tail pointer.
When this occurs, we've had a buffer overrun. i.e. we've received more data into our buffer than we've managed to read back out in the time it's taken to fill up (i.e. we've received 80 bytes more than we've read out of the buffer). There are two ways this could be handled - simply stop advancing the head pointer, and any further data received is lost; or advance the tail pointer just ahead of the head pointer, retaining the newest data, and overwriting the older data.
Whichever approach is used will result in lost data, and it depends on the application as to which data has a higher priority and should be kept. For simplicity, we're using the first approach - if we've received a full 80 characters into our buffer and not managed to read them out quickly enough, we keep reading the serial data from the UART module (thus avoiding a true, hardware buffer overrun which would disable the serial peripheral on the chip) but we don't store it anywhere. It's just as easy to amend the code to retain the newer data by overwriting the old data and advancing the tail pointer.
The advantage to this approach, rather than dumping incoming bytes into a "regular" linear array, is that it allows us to monitor the incoming data for a particular character or combination of characters. If we're looking for the word "HELLO" in our data, we'd have to traverse the array looking for
array(i+0)="H" AND array(i+1)="E" AND array(i+2)="L" AND array(i+3)="L" AND array(i+4)="O"
which can get quite cumbersome. Far easier to read back the contents of the array, until a specific character (such as a line break or carriage return) is hit, and process the contents as a string of data. While processing each individual line of (ascii) data received, the interrupt-driven RX routine is still populating the rest of the buffer - something we couldn't do if we had to process our array of data immediately after receiving the character or byte acting as a delimiter in our data.
Taking all these ideas and putting them together, we've written a simple serial buffer routine that stores data coming in and sets a flag when a particular character (in the example, it's a carriage return) is received into the UART receiver.
In our example, we demonstrate how processing the data can continue outside of receiving characters on the serial UART peripheral; our example code can detect if a line in the serial data contains the word "OK" (and flashes an LED if it does) or sends the data back out to the serial TX (for debugging) after a delay of about a second. Of course, this doesn't do much on it's own, but it's a great start, for parsing incoming ASCII messages from the wifi module; especially because responses are often written as AT type commands, one on each line, with either OK or ERROR written on it's own line to indicate the success (or otherwise) of each command sent to the wifi module.
It's not quite as elegant as the Arduino's while Serial.bytesAvailable() function - but it's far easier than either handling characters as soon as they arrive at the serial RX port, or traversing a byte array of characters, to see which words they make up!
Define CONFIG1 = 0x0984
Define CONFIG2 = 0x1cff
Symbol led_pin = PORTC.2
Symbol tx = PORTA.0
Symbol rx = PORTA.1
Dim serial_ready As Bit
Dim serial_buffer(80) As Byte
Dim serial_head As Byte
Dim serial_tail As Byte
Dim serial_rx As Byte
Dim serial_string As String
Dim serial_delimiter As Byte
Dim serial_ignore As Byte
Dim i As Byte
ConfigPin led_pin = Output
ConfigPin rx = Input
ConfigPin tx = Output
'set the oscillator to 32mhz internal
OSCCON = 11110000b 'oscillator = 32mhz
WaitMs 50 'wait for internal voltages to settle
'put the tx/rx lines onto the programming pins for easy development!
APFCON0.TXCKSEL = 1 'tx onto RA.0
APFCON0.RXDTSEL = 1 'rx onto RA.1
'create an interrupt on the serial receive.
'as data comes in, add to the circular buffer
'blank the buffers
For i = 0 To 79
serial_buffer(i) = 0
Next i
serial_string = ""
serial_head = 0
serial_tail = 0
'open the hardware serial port
Gosub serial_open
'flash the led to show we're alive
For i = 1 To 4
High led_pin
WaitMs 500
Low led_pin
WaitMs 500
Next i
serial_string = "Ready" + CrLf
Gosub serial_send
'if we're receiving ascii data over serial, each line ends with CrLf
serial_delimiter = 0x0d
serial_ignore = 0x0a
'prepare the serial buffer
serial_ready = 0
If serial_ready = 1 Then
serial_ready = 0
led_pin = Not led_pin
Gosub get_serial_string
If serial_string = "OK" Then
For i = 0 To 4
High led_pin
WaitMs 100
Low led_pin
WaitMs 100
Next i
WaitMs 1000
Gosub serial_send
Goto loop
On Interrupt
Save System
If PIR1.RCIF = 1 Then
'get the byte from the rx buffer to clear the RCIF flag
serial_rx = RCREG
If serial_rx = serial_delimiter Then
'this is a carriage return (or a zero-byte) character
serial_ready = 1
If serial_rx = serial_ignore Then
'this is a linefeed character so ignore
'store the received byte in the serial buffer
serial_head = serial_head + 1
If serial_head > 79 Then serial_head = 0
If serial_head = serial_tail Then
'don't put any more data into the buffer until you've read some back
'(or maybe empty the older data first?)
serial_buffer(serial_head) = serial_rx
Dim buffer_start As Byte
Dim buffer_end As Byte
Dim buffer_end2 As Byte
Dim k As Byte
serial_string = ""
buffer_start = serial_tail + 1
If buffer_start > 79 Then buffer_start = 0
If serial_head > serial_tail Then
'this is easy
buffer_end = serial_head
buffer_end2 = 0xff
'the head has reached 80 and wrapped around to zero
buffer_end = 79
buffer_end2 = serial_head
For i = buffer_start To buffer_end
k = serial_buffer(i)
serial_string = serial_string + Chr(k)
Next i
If buffer_end2 <> 0xff Then
For i = 0 To buffer_end2
k = serial_buffer(i)
serial_string = serial_string + Chr(k)
Next i
'remember where to start reading from next time
serial_tail = serial_head
BAUDCON.4 = 0 'SCKP synchronous bit polarity
BAUDCON.3 = 0 'BRG16 enable 16 bit brg
BAUDCON.1 = 0 'WUE wake up enable off
BAUDCON.0 = 0 'ABDEN auto baud detect
TXSTA.6 = 0 'TX9 8 bit transmission
TXSTA.5 = 1 'TXEN transmit enable
TXSTA.4 = 0 'SYNC async mode
TXSTA.3 = 0 'sednb break character
TXSTA.2 = 0 'BRGH high baudrate
TXSTA.0 = 0 'TX9D bit 9
RCSTA.7 = 1 'SPEN serial port enable
RCSTA.6 = 0 'RX9 8 bit operation
RCSTA.5 = 1 'SREN enable receiver
RCSTA.4 = 1 'CREN continuous receive enable
SPBRGH = 0 'brg high byte
SPBRG = 51 'brg low byte(see datasheet For 9600@32mhz)
Dim k As Byte
Dim j As Byte
k = Len(serial_string)
k = k - 1
For i = 0 To k
j = serial_string(i)
While TXSTA.TRMT = 0
Next i
'send a carriage return/line feed combo at the end of the line
TXREG = 0x0d
While TXSTA.TRMT = 0
TXREG = 0x0a
While TXSTA.TRMT = 0
serial_string = ""
Define CONFIG2 = 0x1cff
Symbol led_pin = PORTC.2
Symbol tx = PORTA.0
Symbol rx = PORTA.1
Dim serial_ready As Bit
Dim serial_buffer(80) As Byte
Dim serial_head As Byte
Dim serial_tail As Byte
Dim serial_rx As Byte
Dim serial_string As String
Dim serial_delimiter As Byte
Dim serial_ignore As Byte
Dim i As Byte
ConfigPin led_pin = Output
ConfigPin rx = Input
ConfigPin tx = Output
'set the oscillator to 32mhz internal
OSCCON = 11110000b 'oscillator = 32mhz
WaitMs 50 'wait for internal voltages to settle
'put the tx/rx lines onto the programming pins for easy development!
APFCON0.TXCKSEL = 1 'tx onto RA.0
APFCON0.RXDTSEL = 1 'rx onto RA.1
'create an interrupt on the serial receive.
'as data comes in, add to the circular buffer
'blank the buffers
For i = 0 To 79
serial_buffer(i) = 0
Next i
serial_string = ""
serial_head = 0
serial_tail = 0
'open the hardware serial port
Gosub serial_open
'flash the led to show we're alive
For i = 1 To 4
High led_pin
WaitMs 500
Low led_pin
WaitMs 500
Next i
serial_string = "Ready" + CrLf
Gosub serial_send
'if we're receiving ascii data over serial, each line ends with CrLf
serial_delimiter = 0x0d
serial_ignore = 0x0a
'prepare the serial buffer
serial_ready = 0
If serial_ready = 1 Then
serial_ready = 0
led_pin = Not led_pin
Gosub get_serial_string
If serial_string = "OK" Then
For i = 0 To 4
High led_pin
WaitMs 100
Low led_pin
WaitMs 100
Next i
WaitMs 1000
Gosub serial_send
Goto loop
On Interrupt
Save System
If PIR1.RCIF = 1 Then
'get the byte from the rx buffer to clear the RCIF flag
serial_rx = RCREG
If serial_rx = serial_delimiter Then
'this is a carriage return (or a zero-byte) character
serial_ready = 1
If serial_rx = serial_ignore Then
'this is a linefeed character so ignore
'store the received byte in the serial buffer
serial_head = serial_head + 1
If serial_head > 79 Then serial_head = 0
If serial_head = serial_tail Then
'don't put any more data into the buffer until you've read some back
'(or maybe empty the older data first?)
serial_buffer(serial_head) = serial_rx
Dim buffer_start As Byte
Dim buffer_end As Byte
Dim buffer_end2 As Byte
Dim k As Byte
serial_string = ""
buffer_start = serial_tail + 1
If buffer_start > 79 Then buffer_start = 0
If serial_head > serial_tail Then
'this is easy
buffer_end = serial_head
buffer_end2 = 0xff
'the head has reached 80 and wrapped around to zero
buffer_end = 79
buffer_end2 = serial_head
For i = buffer_start To buffer_end
k = serial_buffer(i)
serial_string = serial_string + Chr(k)
Next i
If buffer_end2 <> 0xff Then
For i = 0 To buffer_end2
k = serial_buffer(i)
serial_string = serial_string + Chr(k)
Next i
'remember where to start reading from next time
serial_tail = serial_head
BAUDCON.4 = 0 'SCKP synchronous bit polarity
BAUDCON.3 = 0 'BRG16 enable 16 bit brg
BAUDCON.1 = 0 'WUE wake up enable off
BAUDCON.0 = 0 'ABDEN auto baud detect
TXSTA.6 = 0 'TX9 8 bit transmission
TXSTA.5 = 1 'TXEN transmit enable
TXSTA.4 = 0 'SYNC async mode
TXSTA.3 = 0 'sednb break character
TXSTA.2 = 0 'BRGH high baudrate
TXSTA.0 = 0 'TX9D bit 9
RCSTA.7 = 1 'SPEN serial port enable
RCSTA.6 = 0 'RX9 8 bit operation
RCSTA.5 = 1 'SREN enable receiver
RCSTA.4 = 1 'CREN continuous receive enable
SPBRGH = 0 'brg high byte
SPBRG = 51 'brg low byte(see datasheet For 9600@32mhz)
Dim k As Byte
Dim j As Byte
k = Len(serial_string)
k = k - 1
For i = 0 To k
j = serial_string(i)
While TXSTA.TRMT = 0
Next i
'send a carriage return/line feed combo at the end of the line
TXREG = 0x0d
While TXSTA.TRMT = 0
TXREG = 0x0a
While TXSTA.TRMT = 0
serial_string = ""
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